Sunday, January 29, 2012

1/29, no. 72

today elizabeth and i braved the streets of chinatown and drove around looking for a cheap foot massage place. we scored and found one with a huge sign outside that read "$20 FOR 1 HOUR" and we were sold. so for about an hour and a half (these chinese places will let you stay basically as long as you want if you fall asleep during the massage) we snoozed in a very dark and somewhat sketchy communal massage area (not as gross as it sounds, i assure you). the room was really dark, but the constant visibility of human movement in so dark a place was eerily reminiscent of the film taken (i'd do anything to namedrop anything related to the incredible liam neeson). then we indulged in gluttony as we inhaled our favorite mexican food from carnitas.

10. eating indian food until i feel like the first victim from se7en
11. while we're on the subject - samosas, mint and mango chutney, tikka masala, paneer
12. sunflower seeds
13. walking
14. the smell of a book's internal organs
15. using chopsticks instead of hair ties.. even if they end up falling out after a few minutes
16. 89.3, kpcc, npr
17. andrew bird, chuck palahniuk, trying to eat healthy (failure in doing so is written all over this blog), architecture in helsinki, beirut (and other assorted things with which i obsessed in 7th/8th/9th grade. nostalgia's weird)
18. backpacking.. i haven't done it since august but i've been looking into it (although orange county boasts a severe lack of chilly weather and damp ground, two things that make backpacking/camping wonderful). there's something very wonderful about walking around, seeing beauty, and just living for a few days knowing that you are carrying everything you need on your back
19. things that remind me of other things: i found my senior prom date's boutonniere in my room (what the hell was it doing here?) and it reminded me of that week. i really wanted to be cute/clever and make our floral arrangements out of colored tissue paper/fabrics/twine (i promise i'm not in kindergarten and i promise my date wasn't a pedophile), but my creativity and execution ultimately failed and i resorted to buying a corsage and boutonniere from albertson's grocery on the day of prom
20. reminiscing about how i used to take everything so seriously
21. not taking things so seriously anymore
22. how i met your mother
23. when reality exceeds expectations (i also promise i'm not a pseudo-intellectual 7th grader infatuated with "life lessons" from 500 days of summer)
24. winter

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