Tuesday, February 7, 2012

no. 80

today i saw my shrink, bought a taco with the last $1.07 i had, snarfed that shit good, made mixtapes all day, applied for two more jobs, drank my weight in water, and left my room a mess. and now something in the kitchen sounds delicious. and my mom bought an avocado for me today.

123. THIS =)
124. midnight in paris ost
125. eating arizona tea and doritos for breakfast for the sake of good health (evidently on my way to modeldom)
126. being super american and applying for jobs at virtually every shop in the mall
127. yellow lights (they make me smile)
128. good style
129. remembering things that you haven't thought of in months
130. laughing hysterically/genuinely at something that once stressed you out
131. eating and yelping; discovering five-star reviews of cool places on yelp

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