Friday, February 10, 2012

no. 84

the facts were these: usc is still awesome/dirty/hilarious, and i'm still a baby. when i was in bacaro, it suddenly dawned on me (around one in the am) that it was thursday night, and i realized, "oh my god there are so many students here and it's a school night and everyone is drunk..what?!" and similar thoughts. so there we go.

on a better note, i imbibed considerably and didn't get a hangover. fuck yeah.

192. feeling like a potentially badass driver after watching the fast & the furious, and setting out to live up to that standard.. in a prius. so i feel badass for going 82 on the freeway. fuckers
193. getting fancy with grilled cheese! (gouda, brie, etc. and guacamole, tapatio, sriracha, etc.)
194. circadian rhythms that make you think "the hell?"
195. bbc radio one edits
196. doritos
197. boston, massachusetts (spring break??!?!?? grad school?!!?)
198. looking for a second job (fuck yeah)
199. little boots
200. the good feeling that surfaces when you hit a large even number
201. volkswagen (fuck yeah die glaserne manufaktur)
202. mocha cheesecake (yes, it is as good as it sounds)
203. baking (i'm getting back into it!)
204. 4 8 15 16 23 42
205. gotye is the new adele
206. pronouncing gotye's name
207. dessert


  1. when/where did you get a job!!!??? that's fuckin' awesome. And phonetics for Gotye pronunciation please?

  2. cimplebox, a tech/software company! go-tea-ay
