I love cheesy little similarities in life, like a date that coincides with a blog post number, or talking to a friend about something you know you talked about the year before on the date, it reminds me that some things are still organized, parallel, and/or constant despite worldly chaos.
but I am by no means organized/neat myself. my room is almost always an utter mess, my notebooks are always scattered (as are my thoughts), and there's a good chance that my future office will look similar to Jenna Lyon's J.Crew office (pictured). now this would be a good thing, a promising sign, an aesthetically smart idea for an office...had I graduated with a concentration in art history or fashion journalism. alas, I am interested in studying neuroscience (disclaimer: not for the money, as I'll probably make nothing and if I do make money, most of it will be given to my parents to constantly thank them and reimburse them for my younger years...either that or I'll donate to some charitable NPO. I highly doubt that I would ever make much money, but in the case that I shape up and end up making a decent salary, I'd donate or give it away somewhere because I would freak out if too much were in my account, out of fear of irresponsibility).
why neuroscience? as you may or may not know, I was originally interested in studying English and obtaining my Bachelor of Arts in the said subject. however, the career field is awfully limited, especially the "realistic" career field (teaching is not in any of my interests). that said, I researched other options - but to no avail.
this year, I took an advanced psychology and a higher level biology class. the units regarding neurology were extremely appealing to me, which gave me a sort of heads-up. if I could, I would major in psychology, but even that has limited/competitive career fields, plus my family would look down on that.
moreover, close friends in the present and past have dealt with or had family experience with neural injuries or disorders, many without a cure (such as Alzheimer's or schizophrenia) - I'm not the brightest of the bunch, but the stories I've been told and the pain I've seen has propelled me to do as much research as I can. if a Ph.D doesn't work out, I'll just study my brains out and attend med school and eventually hope for a research career...although I don't think I could ever handle med school.
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