about an hour ago, I returned from one of the best experiences of my life: a three-day backpacking trip in the Olympic Mountains of Washington with ten other UPS students. we hiked up the mountain to Duckabush River, where we made our camp site - on a small clearing with a few logs and rocks, next to the river. it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen - it was like seeing Yosemite, but being able to touch and smell and taste everything, rendering the entire scene so much more believable. these fellow students are amazing and incredibly down to earth - they're from all over the map, from places like Minnesota, South Africa, Colorado, etc. I really can't write about every specific thing, as I feel it's best to save the specific aspects of beauty for my "privacy" I guess. but I'll just grammatically incorrectly ramble about random things I loved about the trip, including the completely clear sky, making the nights seem scary at first with all the trees but upon looking up at the stars (there are so many!!!!), everything seems closer and you don't feel too far away. drinking water straight up from the freezing cold crystal clear river that would always run fast with so much life. playing sardines throughout the mountain, allowing us to affirmatively dub the area the perfect sardine/hide and seek spot, undoubtedly. learning about people, their lives, their stories, and never stop realizing how beautiful they are. talking one on one with one of the seniors, Peter, and feeling a little more at home just by some solid conversation. sleeping in small tents, bundled up in warm REI sleeping bags with three others, making for some really warm atmosphere. discovering what little is needed to survive, and how organic, complete, utter bare naked nature is just the perfect introduction to a few years in a new area.
side note: this picture does not do Duckabush River Trail any justice.
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